We, in the Comms Team, are contemplating a new format and name for OTB, along with other changes to Dragonfly and the recently established emails to members. We don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater so we need your help in making the several choices that need to be considered. We aim to deliver a polished, information packed monthly electronic newsletter to all our members for whom we have an email address. Our objective is just as before, to keep members informed about and involved in the public benefit work of our Trust, while avoiding email overload.
Mindful of the significant minority of members who do not use email, we also plan to send a quarterly paper newsletter / magazine to all members not on our email list. The financial obstacles that prevented the continuation of the 'old' Dragonfly are now behind us, so we are able to consider this now. We would very much like to hear your comments on this - please email
chris.barry@wbct.org.uk with your feedback.