The Wilts & Berks Canal Trust 200 Club in 2025

Following on from the success of the original 200 Club, the new WBCT 200 Club runs within the Trust as a fundraising initiative where members and supporters can combine support for our canal work with the chance of winning monthly cash prizes.

Since 2019, 50% of the income from this licensed fundraiser has been allocated to Trust funding and 50% divided into 10 monthly draws including a bumper draw in December.

Since 2012, £30,000 has been raised for the Trust.


200 Club Winning Ticket Numbers for 2025

Bumper Prize Month  

1st Prize



2nd Prize



3rd Prize



 January to November

 1st Prize 

 2nd Prize 
 3rd Prize 
  January  85  88 77
  February  89  30  144
  March  144  106  91

If any ticket holder would like confirmation of their ticket number, please contact the Trust Office.




 200 Club Rules

RULES (effective from 1 January 2025)

1. The name of the Club will be Wilts & Berks Canal Supporters 200 Club.

2. The aim of the club will be to raise money for the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust and the proceeds will be given over to the Trust.

3. The Club will be open to members and other supporters of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust and will be run on a rolling basis commencing on 1st January 2025.

4. With effect from 1st January 2025, prizes will be drawn every month as follows:-

 January to November  December
  1st Prize   £100    £250
 2nd Prize £50  £100
 3rd Prize  £30    £50

5. The cost of one ticket will be £25 per annum and must be paid for in advance.

6. You are encouraged to buy more than one ticket.

7. We prefer payment by Standing Order to the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust, Sort Code 30-98-41 Account No. 04754108. Payment is also accepted by cheque.

8. The above prizes are based on a minimum membership of 200, all of whom must be over 18. In the event of fewer tickets being sold, the scale of the prizes may be proportionally reduced.

9. Club members will be allocated one chance per ticket in each of the 12 draws following payment for their ticket. Please note that the deadline for entries starting in any particular month is the 7th of that month.

10. Prizes will normally be drawn under the supervision of the Senior Leadership Team on the 2nd Monday of each month. Please note the deadline information above.

11. All winners will be notified by email/post. A list of prize winners will be published in Dragonfly and on the website.

12. The administration of the Club will be overseen by Wilts & Berks Canal Trust Trustees.

13. These rules may be amended by Wilts & Berks Canal Trust Trustees. The decision of the Trustees will be final and binding on all Club members and supporters.

14. Accounts will be kept and reviewed annually as part of the Trust’s accounts. Accounts will be published in the members’ area of the Trust’s website.