This is arguably the longest and most complex waterways restoration in the country
Members Appeal
We can’t do this work on our own.
We need your support in all sorts of ways. The restoration of the Wilts & Berks Canal is one of the most difficult and exciting canal restoration projects ever. The sections of the canal that we have worked on so far have already shown the enormous benefits to the community and to the environment of the restored canal. With over 60 miles of canal to bring back to life as a resource for generations to come we will need funding and support for many years. As a registered charity what we can achieve depends largely on voluntary gifts and legacies from our supporters.
To make a donation please click one of the links below.
Join our 200 club
The 200 Club is a way to support individual branches and be in with a chance to win one or more of the 30 annual cash prizes during the year.
Click this link for more details and to see the list of winning tickets.
Donate while you shop
We’ve registered WBCT with easyfundraising, which means over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.
Give as you live
You can also continue to support the Trust while you are shopping by using Give as you Live they donate money to the Trust based on how much you spend.
Help Wilts & Berks Canal Trust. Just by shopping online. Shop with your favourite stores and a donation will be made to Wilts & Berks Canal Trust without costing you a penny extra. Shop at thousands of leading stores like Expedia and John Lewis. Get started raising money for Wilts & Berks Canal Trust today.
Recycle Ink Cartridges
You can recycle your used inkjet cartridges and ensure that WBCT receives a donation by getting a free postage label at the Recycle4Charity website. Search for Recycle4Charity or go to . You will be asked to specify the cartridges that you will be sending and to pick the charity that you want to receive the donation. We are on their list as "Wilts & Berks Canal Trust – C37519".
Support the Swindon lottery
Swindon Community Lottery is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Swindon. All good causes supported by the lottery will benefit Swindon and its residents.
Click here to play the lottery, and support WBCT - it’s that simple!