Land Sale

Doug reports that their landowners, Farmcare, are selling all the Down Ampney estate land.  It remains to be seen how long this will take and who will buy the land.

Licence to Work

In the meantime, the group has signed a two-year licence to work.  This allows them to carry out repairs to the aqueduct walls, as well as get on with smaller jobs.  Fencing repairs, anyone?

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thumb 04 Latton Bugle work party

Wednesday Work Parties

Vince Osgood, work site manager, and his team have been working on the wing walls of the lock.  Anyone fancy making a lock gate for them?  Volunteers are most welcome to join Vince and co at their regular Wednesday work parties.  Contact for details.

Cricklade WI

Doug, together with Jan Flanagan from the group, gave a presentation to Cricklade WI this month.  Doug said, “I would like to thank all the WI members for making us welcome and for the donation to our funds.  I hope they found it interesting and will perhaps visit us sometime”.

thumb 01 Latton Bugle Cricklade

thumb 02 Latton Bugle Cricklade

Cricklade Town Festival

On Sunday 9th June, Latton Basin will have two pitches at Cricklade Town Festival – their display marquee and a plant stall run by Jan to raise funds.  The festival is always a good day out for all the family, so please support it if you can and visit the Latton Basin group as well.


For full details and how to donate or get involved, please visit or email Doug at