West Vale Uffington Gorse News

A draft ten-year woodland management plan for the site commissioned last year by the West Vale branch for the Trust has been received and is currently being reviewed by relevant parties. 

To make a start, a programme of works is being prepared to carry out the plan’s shorter-term recommendations.  These include the removal of a number of dead ash trees which will be re-planted later with alternative species.

Clare Allen (Uffington Gorse Project Manager) has more good news.  “We are delighted that the project has been awarded funding by The William Delafield Charitable Trust, The Bartlett Taylor Charitable Trust, Faringdon Rotary Club and received a generous grant from the Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE)”. 

thumb West Vale Uffington

“We plan to use the TOE grant that has come from Grundon Waste Management Ltd through the Landfill Communities Fund in several ways during the autumn and winter”, Clare explained.  “We’ll be removing trees that have fallen across the canal and towpath, creating safer towpath access with the installation of steps and providing some information signage boards around the site.  The other areas of funding will be used to help us progress with the next phase of the Uffington Gorse programme as well as funding the continuing work of our volunteers in maintaining paths and grass verges”.

Meanwhile, West Vale has continued to work on improving drainage in the southern corner of Uffington Gorse.  A short culvert was built over the main drainage ditch on the path to the canal from Station Road.  Plus, removing tree stumps obstructing the original towpath also took time, as well as keeping paths and access clear throughout the woodland site.

Dragging debris from the canal
Photo by Simon Knapper