Restoring 70 miles of canal and towpath for the benefit of local communities, wildlife and leisure
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The Shrivenham Canal Park with the Ron Martin Memorial Slipway

Activity in The Park During 2023

Although the enhancement project, described below, was essentially competed in 2022, there was one outstanding issue - maintaining the water level in The Park section of canal throughout summer. Although the solar-powered pump was installed and commissioned, it was unable to maintain the desired water level.  A "test pit" confirmed a significant leak at the eastern end of the section where a drainage ditch culvert passes under the canal. This culvert will need to be excavated to identify the problem and because of the presence of great crested newts, the work may only be carried out November to February when newts hibernate.Two hibernacula were constucted specifically for the newts to overwinter.
Additionally, removing the silt from the canal is similarly affected and mitigation measures for the temporary loss of newt habitat were required. These necessitated making changes to the two ponds within the Park; felling some trees to let more light into the pond areas and increasing their size. These works were completed during December 2023.

 Test pit over leaking culvert  A Hibernaculum  Enlarged north pond Dec 2023 Enlarged south pond Dec 2023 


Numerious other improvements continued to be implemented during 2023 - 
The murals adorning the compound fence, painted by students at the University of Gloucestershire in 2022, were removed early in the year, coated with varnish, so as to be more weather resistant, and returned in the autumn. An extra waste bin was provided by the car park as the first regularly overflowed. An additional storage unit, no longer needed by the local school, was purchased and installed in the compound. A used mobile welfare unit was also purchased, installed in the compound and upgraded before being relocated to the Uffington Gorse site.

We held three tree planting days; in January, March and December, in total 270 saplings were planted, mainly along a fence by the canal, with some on a new meadow area. The trees were donated via the OVO I Dig Trees Scheme and The Woodland Trust. Additionally, four 'specimen' trees were planted by West Vale Branch supporters in commemoration of lost pets, together with an oak tree for the coronation of King Charles III.

With the increase in the movement of eqiuipment in and out of the compound, the grass surface was being churned-up, so it was decided that the existing main path within the Park be upgraded and extended into the compound with a stone surface. 20 tonnes of chippings were laid.

 Sapling planting Jan 2023  More tree saplings planted Dec 2023  Oak tree for the coronation Extending the surfaced path 

Throughout the year, fortunately, we were able to host a number of company teams, totalling 150 volunteers. They enabled us to complete tasks in short-time - clearing scrub around Steppingstone Lane Bridge so that the condition of the wing walls could be assessed, keeping the towpaths clear, spreading wood chippings on paths, laying concrete bases around two of our park benches, installing large pipes in ditches and mixing concrete to fill sandbags for the construction of three new crossings across ditches in the Park. With one complete, work on these will continue into 2024.

 Volunteers from Tanium laying a base to a bench September  Volunteers from Vodafone laying a base to the second bench, October Building a ditch crossing   A completed ditch crossing

As well as the major works associated with fixing the water leak under the canal, several other improvements are planned, so 2024 will be another very busy year.

Enhancing The Park: 2019-2022

In 2019 The Trust initiated a major project to improve the biodiversity potential at locations along the of the canal, the Shrivenham Park being a major site.
Studies were undertaken of the flora & fauna in the Park and the surrounding areas and plans made to enhance the habitat.

The project aims were -

To increase number & type of habitats in order to attract species currently absent from the park but which have been recorded within 1km of the park, back into the park in sanctuary zones.
To implement a maintenance strategy which preserves and encourages biodiversity gains.
To provide information to visitors about biodiversity and habitat creation programmes.
To implement community engagement programmes where members of the public can participate in the creation and implementation of biodiversity projects.

The changes / additions proposed were -

Leaving areas of longer grass and adding wildflowers.
Species attraction planting.
Bird, bat boxes & bug “hotels”.
Habitat refuges within the copse.
Sanctuary zones.
Natural fencing.
Information panels & signage.
Also re-watering the canal - the length through the Park only holds water after a wet winter and not enough to float a boat.

Enhancement Plan 










During 2019
Shrivenham Parish Council modified their agreement with the village grass-cutting contractor to leave long grass margins along the canal and adjacent to the copse.

The Branch, with the help of several corporate volunteer groups, made12 habitat piles within the copse, plus some 'natural fencing', using thinnings from the trees.

Many bird boxes were installed, 6 made by the TWIGS, the community garden initiative in Swindon, together with 5 bat boxes, additionally, 9 bird boxes made by the Shrivenham & Watchfield Scouts were fixed to trees around the park.

 Long grass border  Habitat pile building  Bird box made by the local scouts  Bird box TWIGS

During 2020
The Inland Waterways Association awarded a grant of nearly £14000 to implement the improvements to the habitats described above and also to re-water the 120m length of the canal within the Park. The aim was to complete the work by December 2021.

Re-watering the canal was not straightforward, the preferred method was to bring water from the canal on the opposite, west, side of Stainswick Lane. Originally there was a lift bridge for the road but, of course, this was demolished many years ago and the invert filled in. This also would require the rebuilding of a spill-weir on the western length but first the final water level had to be established. Over the years several figures have been proposed but this now had to be accurately determined, not only for this short length but because the pound extends for about 7 miles from a proposed new lock at Lower Earlscourt to Longcot top lock, so the water depth is rather important. 

Complying with the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, small work-parties continued to implement more of the habitat improvements. Dead trees within the copse were removed to let in more light, the cuttings providing more "natural fencing" to the paths now clearly defined within the copse and in late December 2020, contractors of the electricity company reduced the height of trees and hedges beneath the power lines that cross the Park. They left several heaps of chippings that Branch volunteers used to suface the copse paths.

Copse path - start of natural fencing   Copse path - Dec 2020  Copse path - Dec 2020

Work-parties cleared quite large areas of brambles that were encroaching on the paths and smothering saplings.
An old willow growing in the ditch to the north, that had four main trunks, was giving concern. One had broken a while ago and the remaining three were slowly leaning more and shedding branches. As they hung over a footpath, it was decided it would be safest to remove the remaining three main stems. After cutting off the lower branches, a contactor felled the three trunks. Cutting the branches and trunks was a mammoth task, fortunately Branch volunteers had the support of an 8-strong team from the Shrivenham Defence Academy. The cut branches were again used to supplement the 'natural fencing' within the copse and the logs provided a seating area for the local school and also a "rustic" bench.

2020 Dec path clearing   Bramble clearing  
Felling old willow Felling old willow  Seating in copse


During 2021
During the winter months, considerable more effort was made to clear brambles from the planned wildflower meadow area, approximately doubling the size. Insect houses (bug hotels) started to be built using reclaimed pallets, four being planned around the park, the first in the copse, the second on the southern edge of the copse. 

 Cleared meadow area
Bug Hotel No 1   Bug Hotel No 2

Work continued throughout the spring and summer with work-parties on both Wednesday & Saturday mornings.

Our local volunteers had the assitance of company teams from Nationwide and St James Place on two mid-wwek sessions, who helped with the ongoing mainteance around the park. Also, the local scout group visited on several Saturdays and assisted with the building of the 3rd & 4th bug hotels and also filled the cavities of all four with various materials. Benches were installed in two places, being constructed by one of our volunteers using donated timber .

Bug Hotel No 2 & a new bench seat  Bug Hotel No 3  Bug Hotel No 4

Work also continued on the meadow area with stumps and bramble roots being removed and with the planting and sowing of wild flowers in one area. Despite early attacks by hungry rabbits, many flourished, the area will be expanded in 2022. 

Bench overlooking meadow   Bench overlooking the canal  Information board with seat

During the year, two more benches were constructed and installed together with a total rebuild of the main information sign by the car park that now also incorporates a seat.

In order to finally establish the water level for this length of the canal, many measurements were taken from the remaining original structures, resulting in a level that was 500mm lower than previously suggested, this having significant implications for future structures and dredging. With the aim still to re-water the canal within the Park, after much consultation with water pump specialists a scheme was finally devised that used a solar powered pump transferring water from Tuckmill Brook. Equipment was subsequently ordered with a plan for installation during 2022.

A major effort was made to complete a new fence around the storage compound. The original was chain-link fencing that had been up for 20 years and was rather rusty and no longer secure. We managed to purchase a quantity of palisade steel fencing that was due to be scrapped; but installation was far from easy and took six months. Making holes for the posts was very difficult and time consuming as the Park is on the old rubbish tip for Shrivenham and the ground is full of stones. In late October the original gates were finally repositioned into the new fence and subsequently clad with matching fence panels. The compound appearance now being much improved. The storage containers were also improved with a coat of paint.

Compound Fencing Dec 2021  Planting saplings Dec 2021 

Between Christmas and New Year, a number of villagers turned out in very poor weather to plant 100 tree saplings that were donated by the Woodland Trust under the "Queen's Green Canopy" and "The Big Climate Fightback" tree-planting initiatives.

 During 2022
The information board by the car park, know locally as the "Bus-stop", was completed and included a new map of the Park drawn by a talented Trust member. This map was also incorporated on entrance signs installed by Stainswick Lane and Coppidthorne Meadow. A lockable display case was also fixed to the bus-stop so that current information and temporary notices could be readily shown.

2022 Bus-stop Information Board  Park Map  Stainswick Lane Entrance Sign  Entrance Sign by Coppidthorne Meadow kissing gate


As part of the IWA Park Improvement Project, five lectern-style information signs have be installed around the park, each describing the flora or forna that may be seen in the various habitats that have been created, i.e. trees, birds, bugs, aquatic life and wildflowers. A sixth on wetlands will be added when a planned bog area has been created.

 Trees habitat sign Birds habitat sign Aquatic Life habitat sign   Wildflower Meadow habitat sign


A significant element of the IWA Project was to maintain the water level of the canal section in the park throughout the year. Hitherto it dried out in summer. After evaluating a number of options, the plan was to pump water from Tuckmill Brook 600m to the park using a solar powered submersible pump. Considerable time and effort was made in both the design and installation of the solar array and well-head, in September the system was commisioned and proved to match expectations. However, because newts were found to be present in the canal, works to remove the silt and build a water-retaining bund had to be postponed pending a licence from Natural England. It is hoped that this work will be possible summer 2023.

 2022 Solar array at Tuckmill The pump installation at Tuckmill Brook     Branch Chairman checking pump flow  


Further improvements were made in the park - the planting of an oak treee to commenorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, the addition of bat boxes on several trees and the installation of a litter bin adjacent to the car park.

2023 Jubilee Oak  Bat box  Litter bin by the car park 


The continued management of the meadow area resulted in a pleasing number of wildflowers, including over a dozen pyramidal orchids.

The Meadow August 2022   Pyramidal Orchid


In 2021 contact was made with students on the illustration course at the University of Gloucestershire. Following a site visit, they were enthusiastic on painting large murals relating to the park, past and present, that would be attached to our compound fence. In October of this year, we received the panels, depicting how wildlfe has taken over what was once the village dump, the activities in the park, a celebration of 25 years since the park was opened, a reference to the locaion (the Vale of the White Horse) and a 30' narrowboat!

Murals painted by University of Gloucestershire students  Murals painted by University of Gloucestershire students  Murals painted by University of Gloucestershire students 

During November and December work started on increasing the water and wetland areas in the park. The north pond was cleared and made deeper by removing silt and a new wetland / boggy area was started to the side of the ditch adjacent to the compound. The December rains flooded the area, hampering the work somewhat. When groundwork is completed, the area will be planted with waterside wildflowers.

North pond after dredging  The new wetland area initial groundworks - flooded by December rain!  Bus-stop Notice board with a map of walks around Shrivenham


Creating the Park: 1996-2019

One of the few lengths of Wilts & Berks Canal actually owned by the Trust can be found on the edge of Shrivenham on the east of Stainswick Lane at OS grid reference SU243883. Approximately 4 acres of land became available in 1996 and was purchased by the West Vale Branch on behalf of the Trust. At this time, the included 100 metre length of canal was totally in-filled, having been used by the village for many years as a local tip before being covered over and abandoned to very rough pasture.

Park site 1995  Across the park to the copse

The Branch made plans to dredge out the canal, using the spoil for landscaping a public park that would include footpaths, possibly a slipway and because the access road was narrow, car-parking.
Much detailed design work was carried out with some good support from local Cranfield University personnel in their spare time.
Plans were submitted to the Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC) and approved in 1997.

Original park plan

The canal being excavated


The VWHDC were very supportive and recognising the benefit to Shrivenham such a park would bring, donated both funding and labour to carry out several of the major tasks. These included reclaiming the canal section, profiling the park and laying the car park and access road. These works being completed by February 1998. Canal line excavated Car park under construction

The Branch applied to the Inland Waterways Association (IWA) for, and was awarded, a grant to build a slipway at the corner of the car-park. This would have two functions, one obviously, as a slipway for boats in the future, the other as a drain for surface water into the canal from the car park. The IWA provided the structural design for the slipway and asked that it be built in memory of Ron Martin, a hard working member of the IWA who had recently died.
They asked that a plaque be incorporated into the design and that we name the slip "The Ron Martin Memorial Slipway".

Slipway excavation Slipway foundation
During 1998, the slip was dug out by local Branch members and, assisted by members of Kent and East Sussex Canal Restoration Group (KESCRG), foundations were laid and concrete poured. The side walls were constructed by our Branch with good support from the Branches at Wootton Bassett and Foxham & Lyneham.
This was the first major bricklaying job carried out by the Branch, with everyone getting involved.
Slipway under construction Slipway & towpath under construction

The park footpaths were laid with membrane covered by scalpings using 100% branch effort. To minimise cost and maximise use of hired plant, the main paths were completed within one weekend, which was a huge but satisfying effort.
Members of KESCRG laid most of the towpath (approximately 60m) whilst laying the concrete at the slipway, with the remaining 40m completed later.
Also in 1998, the raised areas of the park were planted with over 1300 native shrubs and some small trees thanks to a kind donation from the Great Western Community Forest project. It is worth noting that the Branch was successful in retaining 60% of these as fully established plants after 4 years.

Completed slipway Copse after planting

In 1999, the Branch raised funds to have the access road and car park edged with posts to prevent unauthorised access to the grassed areas.  A wooden notice-board was erected at this time displaying details of how the park came into being and all those who helped. Unfortunately, the local vandals took issue with the notices and removed them breaking the perspex cover, although the board itself remained virtually unscathed.

After 20 years, the notice-board has deteriorated and become unstable, so is in the process of being replaced with a new version.

The car park edging The information board

In 2000, a new path was created from the park, going north beside Coppithorne Meadow (land associated with the adjacent cemetery but currently a wildlife reserve), to link in with an existing public footpath. A kissing gate that included a "RADAR" lock was installed to indicate the boundary of the park but still allow easy access for the disabled.

Footpath to the north under construction Path north
The Park 10 years later had matured with a dense copse and prolific growth both around the park and along the bed of the canal (it only retains water during winter months).

The maintenance of the Park had placed a heavy burden on Branch volunteers with large areas of grass to be mown, ditches to be kept clear, old trees on the boundary to be made safe and the footpaths to be kept accessible.
Fortunately this burden was reduced when Shrivenham Parish Council kindly included the mowing of the open grass area in their contract for grass cutting throughout the village.

The Branch has also had invaluable assistance from many 'corpoorate volunteers' working in the Park on all these essential tasks.

Copse after 10 years Volunteers clearing the canal
Never-the-less, over the years, the Branch has added more trees/shrubs, many donated by The Woodland Trust and managed the maintenance to encourage wildflowers, Local children have also planted specimen saplings and used the copse for a 'forest school'. The wildflower area & new tree planting One of the seasonal ponds
Branch volunteers continue to be busy - maintaining the wildflower areas and extending the paths, improving the signage, clearing trees brought down by storms (their branches being used to created the 'natural fencing' in and around the copse) and general maintenance of the footpaths and car park.  Extending the paths  Park North entrance

The park is very well used by villagers for relaxing in or just for walking the dog. Additionally it is included in the Shrivenham Circular Walk which is sign-posted throughout the village.

Entrance from Stainswick Lane Towpath entrance Into the Park from Stainswick Lane
  • May 2023 2
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  • Kids_for_quid

5x Walks Completed for WBCT

Peggy-Sue from the Swindon Branch has completed her 5x walking challenges in aid of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust.

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