MCC Events Committee

Ask people what the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust does and they will say “restore the canal”, which is true, but we do a lot more than just laying bricks and digging mud. We can’t do any of that without volunteers and cash, so in order to acquire both of these; we run a diary of events.

Within the MCC branch we have a highly successful Events committee whose members organise all of these events.

There are three main objectives to running events; to raise public awareness of the canal and what we are doing; to recruit new members; and to raise funds.

There are different types of event that we run, some are annual events that meet all of our objectives, such as the Chippenham Folk Festival and the Melksham Food & River Festival; some are purely non-canal related fund raising, such as race marshalling and a twice yearly quiz; and then there are the fun social events.  And if you want to learn about the canal, then we have members who deliver talks to organisations throughout the area.

We are always looking for more people to help run our events. Below are some fo the taks that we are looking for people to become involved with.

Cake bakers

Team Leader(s) for the PopUp Cafe and Quiz Catering

Trailer Towers – could you tow a trailer with your vehicle? Preferably a 4x4, some of the slipways are ‘less than ideal’. We need the extra grip of a 4x4 vehicle to haul the boats out of the water on their trailers, at the end of a day/ weekend at for example MFRF*. Apart from the boats, there are also the trailers of kit to be moved around.

Poster Maker – we need to publicise our events to both the General Public and Trust Members using posters.

Boat Skippers, Crew, Landside Crew (catching & securing ropes etc and looking after buoyancy aids) and Boat Launching/ Recovery Crew at Pewsham and at the various events we go to.

Information Stand Helpers – both building/ dismantling the stand and talking to the public about WBCT and our plans.

Race Marshalling – several years ago we found a very profitable way to raise funds was to help Marshal at Relish Running Events. At these events the principle is quite simple, you direct the Runners at various points around the course, take a good book and a flask of tea and food. You can also help at the food/ drink stations or the Check-In. It does have the advantage for some that you do not need to have any knowledge of the canals and the restoration progress; the runners won’t be stopping to talk! All of these differing roles are interesting, enjoyable and important. Without them we cannot run the events that we do. No events means less publicity, less funds raised and less new trust members. Training is provided.

*MFRF - Melksham Food & River Festival

 If you are interested and / or would like to find out then contact 

MCC Events for 2025


Whats going on here Open Days 2025



 NOTE: During the summer months especially, strong evaporation can markedly reduce water levels despite any rainfall. Boat trips are dependent on the water level in the Canal and will unfortunately have to be cancelled if water levels are too low. A decision will be made a day or two before each Open Day.

 Accessing the Pewsham Locks site:  Unfortunately there is no vehicular Access for the general public. The map below provides details of access. For disabled Access on our Open Days contact our Chair:

Pewsham Access 2


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