Situations Vacant
If you can offer any time at all to help in these areas please do get in touch.
Recycling Ink Cartridges - and raising money for The Wilts & Berks Canal Trust
You can recycle your used inkjet cartridges and ensure that WBCT receives a donation by getting a free postage label at the Recycle4Charity website. Search for Recycle4Charity or go to You will be asked to specify the cartridges that you will be sending and to pick the charity that you want to receive the donation. We are on their list as "Wilts & Berks Canal Trust – C37519".
Our Work
We carry out all sorts of work that can be characteriesed as 'Clean Shoes' or 'Dirty Boots', this link provides additional detail. All this, of course, relies on our volunteers but as we look to open up new stretches we really do need to increase our numbers.
If you are interested in what we are doing and / or willing to help out contact Howard Wilson (07955 013715 for further information.
As a taster the pictorial review below highlights our 'Dirty Boots' work during 2023